
Scholarships of Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Scholarships for Argentines

Do you want to live an international experience? This is your opportunity! Apply for scholarships and study a short course abroad during the month of July.

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What is a short program?

It is an intensive course that lasts no longer than 30 days with training in a specific subject. Universities offer short programs around the world that allow access to a multicultural international education experience for a few weeks.


How much time, where and what would you study in each case?

Los Ángeles, University of California in Los Ángeles: July 2 to 12 

Leadership course and North American cultural immersion

More info here  

Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University: July 1 to 12. You will be able to choose one of the following courses:

  • Human rights
  • Gender
  • Cinema and migration
  • The post-cold war world
  • Interactive art
  • Photography
  • Innovation and social entrepreneurship
  • Human Biology

More info here  

México DF, TEC de Monterrey: June 29 to July 26 Marketing and creativity course

More info here


What does the scholarship include?

The scholarship includes the cost of the academic program, lodging, medical and air insurance.


Requirements to participate:

  • Be enrolled in a public university or receive financial aid at a private university.
  • Have an outstanding academic average of 7 or more.
  • Have passed 40% of the subjects of your career.
  • Have a very good level of English.


How do you have to submit your application?

First fill out this  form and then send an email to with the subject Scholarships | <LAST NAME> attaching the following documentation:  

1. Motivation letter of up to 500 words explaining why this international experience may be important for your academic and/or work future. Always highlighting your virtues and achievements in different aspects. Be original (avoid falling into common places).

2. Video of a maximum of one minute in .MOV or .MP4 format of the candidate explaining why he deserves to be selected. Again, we will evaluate your creativity and originality in the content of the video. Don´t worry! We are not going to analyze your editing skills. Important: do not repeat what you already told in your motivation letter, use this instance to reinforce your candidacy.

3. Letter of recommendation from a work or academic reference that should indicate how s/he knows the candidate and why is s/he the right profile to live this international experience. It must be signed and scanned, with the contact details of the signatory.

4. Certificate of regular student of your university.

5. Certificate / analytical with 40% of the approved subjects showing the academic average.

6. Proof of level of English B2 or higher through one of the following certificates: fulfillment of level 7 of the Language Laboratory of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires or its equivalent in another language center. For example: Cambridge First Certificate Examination or TOEFL IBT exam with a score of not less than 70 points.

7. CV in Spanish of no more than one sheet in PDF format.

You have time until May 31 to apply!


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