Take part in C40: Students Reinventing Cities
Cities around the world are joining forces with students and academics to accelerate climate action through a new C40 initiative: Students Reinventing Cities.

Buenos Aires joined 17 global cities in a pioneering competition that will allow students and universities from around the world to share their vision for a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
The Students Reinventing Cities Competition, organized by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, is dedicated to transforming cities to address the climate crisis by generating active collaboration with academia. The competition seeks to drive the creation of new ideas and innovative solutions that help decarbonize city neighborhoods, as well as support prosperous and resilient living for local communities.
To that end, the participating cities - Athens, Auckland, Barcelona, Bogota, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Dakar, Delhi, Dubai, Madrid, Melbourne, Montréal, Paris, Quezon, Quito, Reykjavik, Seattle and Washington, DC. - have identified different urban sites (small neighborhoods, blocks or main streets, among others) on which students should work to generate their revitalization proposals.
The site chosen by Buenos Aires for this competition is a 53-hectare area south of Balvanera. From Study Buenos Aires, as part of our work to improve the students' experience, we invite them to take an active role in the actions that generate this improvement of the quality of life in the city and present proposals for the reconversion of this space.
The call is aimed at multidisciplinary teams, formed by students of urban planning, architecture and environment, as well as business, engineering, real estate development and related careers. The winners will be invited to present their projects to business leaders, officials and climate organizations.
Before you sign up, keep these points in mind:
- The call is aimed at teams of university students. It is not an individual competition.
- Teams must be composed of current college students enrolled during the 2021 academic year.
- Teams may include participants from multiple majors and subject areas, and do not all have to be from the same university.
- Students do not need to choose to work in the same city in which they reside or study. Teams may submit proposals for any of the participating cities.
- Teams have until April 15, 2021 to apply. For more information, click here and access the terms and conditions of the competition.
Complete information can be found on the official Students Reinventing Cities website.
In addition, we invite you to participate in a virtual information session on Thursday, February 25, 11.30 am (Argentina time) in which the competition will be presented and information about the space in Balvanera Sur will be given. To register, please click on the following link.
Now more than ever, we must collaborate to build more prosperous and inclusive communities. Students Reinventing Cities is an opportunity to achieve this and much more.
Are you ready to reinvent cities? Let's start creating the future we want!
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