
Take part in "Comparti tu idioma (share your language) - Digital Edition"!


A volunteer program designed for international students with a vocation for teaching.

Imagen de artículo

If you are between 20 and 32 years old, fluent in Spanish and you know English, Portuguese, French or Italian, you can cooperate with teachers in two foreign language classes for primary schools in the City and obtain a certificate of participation.


How long does the program last?

Start: September 14th

End: October 23rd  

(The total duration of the program is 18 hours.)


Classes will be held virtually from September 28th. Prior to that, you will have, also virtually: training by Study Buenos Aires and meetings with teachers to prepare the digital intercultural and pedagogical content for the classes. Moreover, after the two classes you will have the possibility of a virtual meeting with the kids from the schools you collaborated with.


How to participate? To participate, complete the following form and send us an email to with your:

−    CV (in Spanish).

−    Cover and motivation letter to participate in Share your Language (in Spanish. Max. 200 words)

−    Regular student certificate issued by the higher education institution from Argentina or abroad.

−    Copy of the first page of valid Passport issued by the authorities of the country of origin, the passport should be valid for a minimum of one (1) year from the date of sending the enrolment form.

Apply here!


You have time to complete your registration until September 4th! * 


*By registering, you agree to the terms and conditions


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