Enjoy the Polo Open with Study BA!

Enjoy the Polo Open with Study BA!
Enjoying Buenos Aires
Every year, the Argentine Polo Association and Study BA extend you a cordial invitation to attend the prestigious world-renowned interclub tournament that takes place annually.
It is an exciting sporting experience not to be missed! On this occasion, you will have the opportunity to witness up close the skill of the players handling the ball at full speed while galloping.
We are waiting for you to enjoy the best polo in the world on Saturday, November 11th!
What day: Saturday, November 11th
What time?: 3:30 p.m.
Where will we be meeting: Campo Argentino de Polo (Roundabout at the entrance) Av. del Libertador 4096, Buenos Aires, CABA, C1426
Cost: Free
What's included: Experience at Campo Argentino de Polo.
Who are we going with: Karina from the Study BA team.
Can it be cancelled due to rain: Yes.
Bring valid ID: Yes.
Requirement: Follow on Instagram at @studybuenosaires and @asocdepolo
Attention: Activity for international students, Argentine students and young people with the "Working Holiday Visa" between 18 and 35 years old only.
Admission is only allowed with a valid ticket and ID.
Sign up here!
- 100 Points
Where:Campo Argentino de Polo (Rotonda del ingreso) Av. del Libertador 4096, Buenos Aires, CABA, C1426
Hour:15:30 - 19:00 hs.
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