
Meet Camille


Nightlife, inimitable food and a trip to the north.

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Camille Loyer came to Buenos Aires from France as an exchange student of Political Science at the Torcuato di Tella University. We asked him some questions to be able to share a little of what his experience in the City was. You can also see more of Camille and the City here!

1. For you, what does a student have to know about life in this country?

It seems necessary to me to know that the rhythm of Argentine life, more generally Latin, is very different from the rhythm of European life. In fact, the nightlife begins very late, people wake up late and take a nap at noon. In short, Argentines live at night, which is good when you're a student and you like to party!


2. Is there any aspect of the Argentine customs that you have discovered?

Argentine empanadas and Argentine roast were my main food during my exchange in Buenos Aires. They are INIMITABLE, even for other Latin American countries. Both dishes are not expensive and give an opportunity to meet friends, not forgetting a rich bottle of red wine. Also, I liked the outdoor fairs where I bought many handmade gifts for my family and my friends who stayed in France, especially beautiful silver jewelry.


3. How was your exchange experience?

I think that the most important experience of my exchange in Argentina was my trip to the north of the country, around Salta. For 15 days, with a friend, we rented a car and went to discover the local culture, the beautiful and diverse landscapes and the villages (the Quebrada de las Conchas in Cafayate, the wine route in Cachi, Purmamarca and the Cerro de los Siete Colors, the archeology of Tilcara and the Salinas Grandes). It was a magical moment, out of time, that allowed me to concentrate on myself and discover a new culture, a new way of seeing life. I am not ready to forget the joy and generosity of the local people. It was my best moment in Argentina.

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