Bachelor´s in Business Administration

Tipo de curso

Complete grade career

Area de curso

Economy and Management








48 meses

The manager plays a central role within any organization. The firm or entrepreneurship development largely depends on the manager´s success in decision making, leading teams and setting strategies. This managing success requires a high professional degree, which stems from a comprehensive and up-dated training as the one we offer at Di Tella. The Degree in Business Administration seeks to train creative, nimble and efficient professionals, with a global and complete firm vision, qualified to manage resources in a world of increasingly complexity at organizational level (more diverse firms, in a larger number of countries, with different cultures). For this purpose, our Degree offers knowledge in management areas such as strategic management, human resources management, production organization, marketing and finance, among others. This degree shares a core training axis with the Degree in Business Economics in areas such as: economy, general culture, finance and managerial accounting but differentiates from the latter in its global firm perspective and focuses on firm management.


How to apply?

There are 3 options: Direct admission: possible if the following requirements are met: - General average greater or equal to 8 over 10 in complete high school years (1st. to 4th year) -International exams: IB, AICE, Baccalauréat Français, Esame di Stato, Abitur. - Finalists of the Argentinian Mathematical Olympiad at national level. Admission course: it is offered in 3 modalities: ON-SITE: it is held and taken at UTDT. FREE: You are provided the bibliography via e-mail for the preparation of the exams. ONLINE: You are virtually guided by lecturers with the admission bibliography, so that you sit the exams at UTDT.

Updated: 04-Jan-21

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