
Tipo de curso

Complete grade career

Area de curso

Architecture and Design






48 meses

Architecture is a beautiful and complex discipline which triggers, creates and invents where infinite components participate in constant interaction. It is a course of action in the world around us, by proposing spaces, producing sensations and solving problems. It is a profession that interacts with many productive means in every social stratum, and has multiple ways of deploying in society and culture. The Degree in Architecture develops an intellectual and professional exchange environment aimed to exercise structural powers to the discipline complexity. It is an environment of teaching and productive idea discussion at high level, conformed by a dynamic body of professors who are interested in their cultural work value. The architectural studio allows each student to have his/her own working board with full-time access, in a common space where students of different years work together, and share productive and creative time with outstanding Argentinian and foreign professors. These conditions are key to the development of open learning, based in energy, dedication, concentration, seriousness and happiness.


How to apply?

There are 3 options: Direct admission: possible if the following requirements are met: - General average greater or equal to 8 over 10 in complete high school years (1st. to 4th year) -International exams: IB, AICE, Baccalauréat Français, Esame di Stato, Abitur. - Finalists of the Argentinian Mathematical Olympiad at national level. Admission course: it is offered in 3 modalities: ON-SITE: it is held and taken at UTDT. FREE: You are provided the bibliography via e-mail for the preparation of the exams. ONLINE: You are virtually guided by lecturers with the admission bibliography, so that you sit the exams at UTDT.  

Updated: 04-Jan-21

The information described here was provided by the educational institution and Study Buenos Aires is not responsible for changes or variations